Gastroscopic Observations Related to Bioptical Histology in Healthy Medical Students

The examinations were performed on 10 medical students, 22-23 years old, of whom 5 were women. Directed biopsies were taken from the antral mucosa and the mucosa of the greater and lesser curvatures, average number being 6.7. Gastroscopy showed a normal mucosal folding in all students. None had mucosal reddening or mucus covering of more than slight grades. The examination concluded with a normal gastric mucosa in 4 and probably normal in 2 students. In 4 students a superficial gastritis was supposed to be present. Bioptical histology showed a normal mucosa in the antrum in 6 students, at the lesser curvature in 7, and at the greater curvature in 8 students. In the others a slight superficial gastritis in the antral mucosa. There was a fairly good correlation between the gastroscopic observations and the findings by histology on directed biopsy in 6 of the students.