Summer phytoplankton populations in a warm core eddy of the East Australian Current were studied by TLC for pigments and by microscopy of living samples for species identification. Small differences in phytoplankton populations at the eddy center compared to surrounding waters were observed. These included higher subsurface chlorophyll maxima (0.49-0.89 .mu.g l-1 eddy center; 0.33-0.38 .mu.g l-1 eddy edge; 0.27-0.34 .mu.g l-1 midway positions) due to increased diatom abundance, a lower proportion of nanoplankton chlorophyll (52% eddy center; 73% eddy edge), a dominance change from Rhizosolenia alata (eddy edge) to Nitzschia seriata (eddy center) and a decreased number of dinoflagellate species.