Theoretical low-energy scattering cross sections forHe(2S1)+He(1S1)He(2P1)+He(1S1)

Ab initio potential-energy calculations have been performed on the CΣg+1 state of He(2S1)+He(2S1) and on the BΠg1 state of He(2P1)+He(1S1); the Ly rotational-coupling matrix elements were also calculated. The potential curves were found to cross at R=3.89a0, where Ly=0.68. Close-coupled calculations were then used to predict the cross sections for collision energies E100 eV. The excitation total cross section was found to rise rapidly from the threshold at E=0.60 eV to values greater than 1 × 1016 cm2 at collision energies E4 eV. The inelastic- scattering total cross section for the reverse reaction, deexcitation of He(2P1) by He(1S1), was found to be greater than 1 × 1017 cm2 at thermal energies and yields a Boltzmann-averaged rate of k(300°K)=2.9×1012 cm3/sec. At energies E3 eV, sharp peaks are found on the inelastic-scattering total cross sections and are attributed to quasibound states present at these low energies. The inelastic-scattering differential cross sections are forwardly peaked with most of the scattering appearing at reduced angles τ=Eθ250 eV deg.