Properties of Bacillus cereus temperature-sensitive mutants altered in spore coat formation

Three conditional B. cereus mutants altered in the assembly or formation of spore coat layers were analyzed. They all grew as well as the wild type in an enriched or minimal medium but produced lysozyme and octanol-sensitive spores at the nonpermissive temperature ( C). The spores also germinated slowly when produced at C. Temperature-shift experiments indicated that the defective protein or regulatory signal is expressed at the time of formation of the outer spore coat layers. Revertants regained all wild-type spore properties at frequencies consistent with initial point mutations. Spore coat defects were evident in thin sections and freeze-etch micrographs of mutant spores produced at C. One mutant contained an extra surface deposit, perhaps unprocessed spore coat precursor protein. A prevalent band of about 65,000 daltons (the same size as the presumptive precursor) was present in spore coat extracts of this mutant and may be incorrectly processed to mature spore coat polypeptides. Another class of mutants was defective in the late uptake of half-cystine residues into spore coats. Such a defect could lead to improper formation of the outer spore coat layers.