Mindarus abietinus Koch causes leaf-curl and shoot-stunting of the new foliage of Fraser fir in North Carolina. Although this injury usually has a minimal impact on the trees' health and vigor, the injury can reduce the aesthetic quality and hence the marketability of Christmas trees. The overwintering egg gives rise to the fundatrix in late March. In May and June the fundatriginia and sexuparae appear. In June the sexuales are produced and by late June oviposition has occurred. The egg remains dormant until the following spring. The within-crown distribution of the various life stages is presented. Most of the injury can be minimized by maintaining vigorous growth, and timing necessary insecticide applications. Under most circumstances chemical control should only be considered during the last year or two before harvest. Dimethoate, pirimicarb, acephate, or chlorpyrifos will provide adequate control after egg hatch but before bud break.

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