Skin Disease Due to Mima Polymorpha

Recognition of the bacterium Mima polymorpha as a distinct organism is relatively recent.1-3It is a member of the family Parvobacteriaceae. The form varies from pleomorphic motile or nonmotile nonsporulating encapsulated Gram-negative rods 0.5-0.7×1.0-3.0μ and filaments which predominate in liquid media to diplococci which may be identical morphologically with Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The latter are more abundant on solid (chocolate agar) media. The bacteria may show modified bipolar staining and sometimes retain Grampositiveness. The organism, originally isolated in cases of vaginitis and conjunctivitis,4has been reported as the etiological agent in cases of septicemia,5subacute bacterial endocarditis,6meningitis7-8and Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome.9 Two cases of skin disease have occurred within the past few months in which Mima polymorpha was the only organism isolated. Since the lesions have a rather distinct and apparently characteristic appearance, it is worth while to call attenion to