The Asymmetric Rotor III. Punched-Card Methods of Constructing Band Spectra

The stochastic method of analysis of band spectra of asymmetric rotors involves the calculation of line strengths and positions for successive estimates of six molecular constants, until the calculated intensities at all wave‐lengths agree satisfactorily with the observed. This paper shows that these extensive calculations, as based on tables previously published, are well adapted to standard punched‐card equipment. In addition to the above calculations, it is possible to construct the appearance of the rotational structure for various values of slit width. The procedure is carried through for H2S with some approximate constants. Very satisfactory representations of observed spectra are obtained for completely resolved spectra, as in the photographic region; for slit width 1 and 2 cm−1, as in the near infra‐red; for slit width 10 cm−1, as in poorly resolved infra‐red spectra.