Hyperfine structure and nuclear moments of aluminium

The structure of the resonance lines of the arc spectrum of aluminium was investigated by the method of absorption in an atomic beam, and the structure of certain other lines of aluminium, emitted by a liquid-air-cooled hollow cathode tube, was also investigated. The nuclear spin of aluminium was thus shown to be 9/2 and the magnetic moment about 4·0 nuclear magnetons. A note (Jackson and Kuhn 1937a) containing these results was published elsewhere. The light source and the spectroscope The arc spectrum of aluminium possesses two groups of resonance lines, 3 2P3/2,½-4S½ (3962 A, 3944 A) and 3 2P3/2,½-32D5/2,3/2 (3092·7 A, 3092·8 A, 3082 A).