Further Observations on the Dietary Insufficiency of a Corn-Soybean Ration for Reproduction of Swine

The single addition of either crystalline riboflavin, choline or one percent B-Y riboflavin supplement to the basal ration proved an ineffective supplement and in some cases a deleterious one. The addition of two percent of the B-Y riboflavin supplement improved fertility and lactation but failed to prevent the appearance of abnormalities in the new born. Normal reproduction was obtained by supplementing the basal ration with either 10 percent alfalfa meal or soybean lecithin plus pyridoxine. However, in both cases lactation was not quite normal, weaning weights of the pigs being low. Data are presented to show that the ration sows receive during growth markedly influences subsequent successful performance in reproduction and lactation. It is concluded that a practical ration of corn, expeller soybean oil meal, five percent alfalfa meal plus mineral supplement is inadequate as the sole ration for brood sows under dry lot conditions. This ration requires one or more as yet unidentified factors for normal reproduction including lactation. Inositol, pyridoxine, and choline likewise appear to be required in supplemental amounts. Further it has been shown that dietary sufficiency for the growing and developing sow is essential for subsequent successful reproductive performance. Copyright © . .