Decamethylmanganocenium tetracyanoethenide, [Mn(C5Me5)2]⊙⊙⊕ [TCNE]⊙⊖—a molecular ferromagnet with an 8.8 K Tc

Communication: Triplet electron‐transfer salts are predicted to exhibit bulk ferromagnetic behavior at higher temperatures than their singlet analogues. To test this expected trend, the title compound, which is isostructural with [FeCp]⊙⊕ [TCNE]⊙⊖ (Cp* = pentamethylcyloopentadienide; TCNE = tetracyanoethylene) which exhibits a Curie temperature, Tc, of 4.8 K has been synthesized. The synthesis and magnetic characterization of the new compound, which is found to have aTc of 8.8 K, are reported.