Crystal and molecular structure of sodium di-µ-sulphido-bis-[(L-cysteinato)oxomolybdate(V)] dihydrate

The crystal and molecular structure of the title compound have been determined from X-ray photographic data by Patterson and Fourier methods. Crystals are monoclinic prisms, space group P21, with Z= 2 in a cell with a= 9·65, b= 15·03, c= 6·76 Å, β= 92·7°. The structure was refined by least-squares techniques to R 0·151, based on 1808 reflections. The structure of the anion is similar to that of the corresponding compound with bridging oxygen atoms; the molybdenum–molybdenum distance (2·82 Å) is similar to that found in other compounds containing two molybdenum atoms linked by bridging sulphur atoms. A tetrahydrate also exists.