The electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectra of dilute solutions of trivalent Nd143 and Nd145 ions occurring at the La+3 ion sites in the axially symmetric LaCl3 structure have been measured at the temperature of boiling He. For laboratory fields of ≈ 103 G the frequencies νn of the ENDOR transitions are in the range 10νn1000 Mc sec1. The experimental results for each nuclide have been summarized by giving values of the parameters in the spin Hamiltonian, Hs=|β|H·g·S+S·T·I+P[Iz213I(I+1)]βnH·gn·I, which produce a rigorous least-squares fit to the data for the two experimental conditions H ⊥ c and H∥c, where c is a vector parallel to the hexagonal axis of symmetry of the LaCl3 crystal. The frequencies were fitted with rms deviations of 0.08δ for H∥c and 0.3δ for H ⊥ c, where δ is the average ENDOR line width, 3×105 cps. The gn factor in the spin Hamiltonian was found to be anisotropic, with |gnIIgn|=0.62. A comprehensive theoretical interpretation of the spin Hamiltonian parameters using eigenvectors precisely calculated from the best available crystal field interaction parameters yielded μ(Nd143)μ(Nd145)=+1.60883±0.00004, μ(Nd143)=1.079±0.06 nuclear magneton, μ(Nd145)=0.671±0.04 nuclear magneton, Q(Nd143)Q(Nd145)=+1.96±0.2, Q(Nd143)=(+0.0206±0.003)×1024 cm2, Q(Nd145)=(+0.0105±0.002)×1024 cm2, r3(Nd+3, 4f3)=(36.9±4.5)×1024 cm3. An upper limit of one part in two thousand was established for the contribution, if any, of a contact term to the hyperfine interaction. The errors quoted are estimated standard deviations of the mean based upon internal consistency. A discussion of the errors and their sources is given. In particular, the precision of the determination of the nuclear moments μ and Q, of r3, and of the contact term was limited mainly by the inaccuracies of the best available values of the crystal field parameters Anmrn. Numerical values of the spin Hamiltonian parameters, crystal field eigenvectors, and relevant interaction multiplicative factors are tabulated.

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