ESR Spectra from Paramagnetic Centers in Irradiated KClO4. III. Centers Appearing between 10 and 200°K

ESR spectra of KClO4 crystals irradiated with x rays at 10 and at 26°K contain three “families” of intense signals. The signals are assumed to derive from primary defects constituted by electrons and holes trapped on ClO4 ions. The families of signals are assigned to the species ClO4=, ClO4, and (ClO4)2, each trapped in a number of distinct sites. ClO4= and ClO4 appear to be stabilized by intraionic configuration change, whereas interionic configuration change may stabilize (ClO4)2. Thermal processes starting at 30°K result in formation of the secondary defects O3 from ClO4= and ClO2 from ClO4 and in destruction of (ClO4)2.