Toward a molecular paleontology of primate genomes

Families of related, but nonidentical repetitive DNA sequences, termed the alphoid DNAs, have been identified and characterized in representative species from seven major primate Families. The sequences appear as old as the primate Order itself: they are found in a prosimian (lemur), in a New World monkey, and in all Old World primates examined, including man. The alphoid DNAs are uniquely primate sequences and they may represent the most abundant repetitive DNAs in the primate genome. — A classification scheme for two major families of alphoid DNAs is proposed that is based upon restriction enzyme analysis and Southern blotting with radioactive probes prepared from component α DNA (Maio, 1971) and from the human EcoRI dimer sequences (Manuelidis, 1976). The family of alphoid DNAs that hybridizes readily with component α is termed the HindIII family of alphoid DNAs. This family shows an almost universal distribution among present-day primates. The family of DNA sequences that hybridizes readily with the human EcoRI dimer probe is termed the EcoRI dimer family of alphoid DNAs. This family may be restricted to the great apes and man. The two probes permitted the discrimination of different, but related alphoid families in present-day primates. Multiple alphoid sequence families are found within the genomes of individual primates and the major primate taxa can be characterized by the representations of the various alphoid DNAs within their genomes. — An Appendix is presented (Brown et al., 1981) indicating that competition hybridization effects may influence the autoradiographic banding patterns, and hence, the interpretations of Southern filter-transfer hybridizations when dealing with related repetitive sequences such as the alphoid DNAs that are present in abundance in eukaryotic genomes.