The exigency in coping with the problems of the testicular tumor patient resides in the high incidence of this disease in the young male. Although neoplasms of the testes constitute only approximately 1% of all malignant growths in men, they are the most common tumor in men between the ages of 29 to 35 years; the majority occur in men between 20 to 40 years of age. The analysis of prognostic factors is of great concern since this tumor occurs in the prime of life. It is agreed by most authors1-4that the size of the tumor, location, maldescent, and duration of symptoms or history of trauma are of no importance. The importance of some factors is not generally agreed upon; these include associated pain, urinary gonadotropin titer, and gynecomastia. Parker and Holyoke1point out that gynecomastia is an ominous finding since only 2 out of 11 of