The rate of appearance of vit. A ester and alcohol in plasma and liver, respectively, of vit. A-depleted male rats following a single dose of vit. A was studied. In plasma the ester form presented a typical sharp peak, and the free form showed relatively less increase. In liver the ester form continued to be deposited up to 18 hrs. after dosing, whereas the alcohol form increased for only 5 hrs. and was then maintained at a fairly constant level. In separate expts., normal stock and vit. A-depleted male rats were used either as such or after vit. A dosage, to determine the vit. A content in plasma and in liver. A direct relationship between the plasma and the liver vit. A alcohol could not be confirmed, inasmuch as, despite wide variations in the concns. of vit. A alcohol in the liver, the plasma level remained relatively constant.