Beta-Gamma Directional Correlation in the Decay ofEu154

The directional correlation for the (1855 kev-beta) (123 kev-gamma) cascade in the decay of Eu154 has been measured. The directional correlation coefficient A2 varies from -0.15 at a beta energy of 1100 kev to -0.18 at a beta energy of 1600 kev. In terms of a single nuclear matrix element parameter, ζ1, the directional correlation suggests ζ1=2.6 or 0.2 while the beta spectral shape correction suggests ζ1=1.3. The results suggest that the attenuation of ordinary first-forbidden matrix elements relative to Bij is less marked in Eu154 than in the comparable transition in Eu152. Interpretation of the data in terms of a less restrictive formulation of the theory is investigated. Relations between matrix element ratios may be found but no unique set of matrix element ratios is demanded by the experimental data.