Reactions of He+2, Ne+2, and Ar+2 with rare‐gas atoms have been studied for center‐of‐mass energies, E0, below 40 eV. Electron transfer, collision‐induced dissociation of the primary ion, and ion transfer have all been observed. At E0=1 eV, electron transfer sometimes occurs with very large (∼50 Å2) cross sections; however, sometimes the cross section for electron transfer is small. The observed cross sections for electron transfer increase as E0 is decreased. Collision‐induced dissociation of the primary ion occurs with maximum cross sections of 1.5–25 Å2; these cross sections fall off as E0 is lowered below some value. The cross sections for the collision‐induced dissociation of He+2 are observed to be smaller than the cross sections for the collision‐induced dissociation of Ne+2 and Ar+2. Ion transfer is observed in only two cases: Ar+2+Ne → ArNe++Ar and Ne+2+He → NeHe++Ne; the cross sections for these reactions increase as E0 is lowered.