Spectra of cells in flow cytometry using a vidicon detector.

A TV type vidicon detector was interfaced to a flow cytometer (FCM) to obtain spectra of fluorophores in cells during flow. The normal operations of the FCM are undisturbed. A spectrograph spreads 320 nm of the fluorophore fluorescence emission across the 500 channels of the detector. Spectra of fluorescamine (a surface labeling agent) and of propidium iodide (a nuclear stain) were obtained from Balb 3T3 cells, and the chlorophyll and phycobilin peaks were resolved from flowing blue-green algae in the FCM. Under typical flow conditions, operation of the vidicon in the continuous mode gives for these fluorophores a S/N of several hundred to one in approximately 3 sec. The vidicon was also gated to obtain spectra of single cells and of cells in selected portions of the cell cycle. For example, the spectrum of fluorescamine was obtained from cells in the G1 phase of the growth cycle by using as a gate trigger the FCM discriminator output derived from the propidium iodide signal.