Fertility in Rabbits Recovering From Myxomatosis

The fertility of 20 bueks and 13 does whieh reeovered from an infection of lnyxoma virus, strain KJ\'Ll:l, undor laboratory oonditions was examined. Six months after infection, only 50 per c('nt. of tho bucks woro f01lnd to bo J(,1'tilo ann many of theso woro not fully fertile. '1'h1'ee females were found to be infertile, of whieh one eould be bred from by using artifieiul insominai;ion, but tho feeundity of tho remaind~r was 'rhe reduced fertility ohsorved und~r labomtory eonnitions is not nocossarily refleet,jon of field conditions whoro most of the infcrtilo animals may not survive.