Carbohydrate formation in rewetted terrestrial cyanobacteria

In the terrestrial cyanobacterium Nostoc commune Vauch. formation of carbohydrate polymers was measured upon rewetting the mats in a light-dark regime. To discriminate between carbohydrates of different physiological function, total carbohydrate was determined as anthrone-reactive material (ARM) and storage carbohydrate (glycogen) assayed by an enzymic test. In the dry thalli glycogen was found to represent less than one tenth of the ARM. After rewetting an increase of total carbohydrate was observed in illuminated samples. Only glycogen, however, showed a regular pattern of synthesis and degradation during a 12:12 h light-dark cycle. This indicates that most carbohydrates detected by anthrone belong to the metabolically inert sheath material. When illuminated colonies were kept submerged after rewetting glycogen was hydrolyzed indicative of being used in the rapid recovery of cellular functions as observed in rewetted colonies. Apparently, photosynthesis allowed for net glycogen synthesis only, provided the mats were sufficiently aerated. These findings give evidence that the (carbohydrate) sheath plays an important role in water retention in an organism bound to a terrestrial habitat.