Evidence of the doubleβdecay of zirconium-96 measured in1.8×109year-old zircons

Molybdenum extracted from geologically old zircons shows evidence for enhanced levels of 96Mo, resulting from the double β decay of 96Zr. Evidence of nuclear fission in 95Mo, 97Mo, 98Mo, and 100Mo extracted from the old zircons accompanies the double β decay of 96Zr, and is comparable in magnitude to the excess 96Mo. Zircons are excellent minerals for an experiment of this nature, since zircon U-Pb geochronology demonstrates that zircons have remained as closed isotopic systems over eons of time. The experimental data indicate that the half-life of 96Zr double β decay is (9.4±3.2)×1018 yr and is in good agreement with the theoretically predicted half-life for the 96Zr decay to 96Mo occurring as a two neutrino decay.

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