Experimental and Theoretical Hall Mobilities of Holes and Electrons in Naphthalene

The Hall effect for electrons and holes has been measured in high-purity single crystals of naphthalene. The magnetic field was directed along each of the a, b, and c crystallographic directions, and the electric field was in each of the two directions orthogonal to the magnetic field. The Hall mobilities μH were computed from the measurements, and the drift mobilities μD were measured in the same crystal. The average ratios μHμD for electrons are BaIb, +1.1; BaIc, +0.9; BbIa, +2.8; BbIc, +2.2; BcIa,3.0; and BcIb,2.9. The ratios for holes are BaIb, 3.9; BaIc, 2.7; BbIa, +0.57; BbIc, +0.37; BcIa,3.6; and BcIb,3.7, where the B's and I's are the magnetic field and the current directions, respectively. The theoretical ratios of Hall to drift mobilities have been calculated by band theory using the transfer integrals evaluated from three different types of wave functions by other investigators. It was found that the wave functions used by...