As a result of parity nonconservation, emitted neutrinos in muon capture by spin-zero nuclei have an asymmetric angular distribution with respect to the muon-polarization axis. The asymmetry coefficient α is defined by the distribution 1+αPcosθ, and it is given in cases in which the final states have definite spin and parity. In the unique forbidden transitions in which the final states have spin J and parity ()J+1, α is generally dependent on both nuclear structure and the pseudoscalar coupling constant CP. However, in some cases, it is almost independent of nuclear structure, so that we can study the magnitude of CP from the asymmetry coefficient. In the nonunique forbidden transitions in which the final states have spin J and parity ()J, α is independent of CP, but is strongly dependent on nuclear structure. As extreme cases, α is + 1 for A-type and - 1 for V-type giant dipole excitations, with about 2% estimated error. This holds also for A- and V-type higher multipole excitations. If the final states are 0 or 0+, then α is exactly - 1, and this case is independent of both nuclear structure and the magnitude of CP, in contrast to the strong dependence of the capture rate on CP in the 0 states. An averaged value of α over four kinds of the giant dipole states is equal to 0.4, in agreement with Primakoff's value in the closure approximation.