Effect of reward magnitude, percentage of reinforcement, and training method on acquisition and reversal in a T maze.

Acquisition and reversal in a T maze were studied for 96 rats as a function of four variables combined factorially (a) 100% vs. 50% random reinforcement in acquisition, (b) one vs. four reward pellets in acquisition, (c) correction vs. forced-trial noncorrection method in acquisition, and (d) one vs. four reward pellets in reversal. All Ss received 100% reinforcement and free-trial noncorrection method in reversal. Acquisition of the correct response was faster for large reward, 100% reinforcement, and forced non-correction method, with no interactions. Reversal was faster for large reversal reward, faster after 100% reinforcement with correction method than any other combination of percentage with method,and slower after 50% reinforcement with large acquisition reward than any other combination of percentage with acquisition magnitude. Acquisition by the correction method gave faster running during both acquisition and reversal. Running was faster with larger current reward both during acquisition by correction method and during reversal.

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