Some Physical Properties of Compressed Gases. II, Carbon Monoxide

The writers have adjusted and extrapolated the compressibility data obtained by Bartlett and his collaborators on carbon monoxide, so that accurate pvT relations from -70° to 400° and up to 1200 atm. are available. The relatively low pressure isotherms of Scott at 25° and of Goig-Botella at 0°, 12.44°, and 20.22° are included. Derivatives are obtained by the graphical scheme used for similar calculations on nitrogen. The specific volume, density, expansion coefficients — (pv)(dvdp)T and (Tv)(dvdT)p fugacity, Cp, CpCv, Cv, Joule-Thomson coefficient μ are calculated and shown in curves and a table for 14 pressures and 11 temperatures in the range -70° to 400° and 25 to 1200 atm. In particular, Cp vs. p isotherms, Cv vs. t isobars, t vs. pμ=const. graphs are shown; among the last, the μ=0 curve is the inversion curve. There are no direct experimental data for comparison. On account of similarity in the molecular structure and the spectra of the molecules CO and N2, one might look for some correspondence in the physical properties of the two gases. In general, the trends of the two are qualitatively similar. The CpCv vs. p isotherms all show a maximum. This maximum is very flat at the highest temperatures and comes at about 700 atm. As the temperature decreases, the maximum becomes pronounced and moves to lower pressures; it comes at about 200 atm. along the -50° and -70° curves. Along the -70° isotherm a second maximum appears at about 550 atm., but it is not evident at higher temperatures. CpCv approaches R, of course, along all isotherms as the pressure is decreased to zero. Cp is obtained by adding ΔCp to Cp*.Cp* denotes the heat capacity for a given temperature at zero pressure; ΔCp is the change in Cp with pressure along a given isotherm. It is evaluated thru 0pT(d2vdT2)pdp. The derivative occurring under the integral sign is obtained by the authors' graphical scheme at a sufficient number of points for mechanical integration under the isotherm. Along isotherms at 50° and lower, Cp increases rapidly with pressure and reaches a maximum at about 300 atm. Changes in pressure above 500 atm. cause only relatively small changes in Cp at any temperature. Above 200 atm. and below 0°, Cp increases rapidly as the temperature is lowered. The Cv vs. t isobars show that from 300 to 1200 atm. Cv has a minimum at about 100°. On the low temperature side of this minimum the curves are very steep; along the 1200 atm. isobar Cv drops from 4.4 R at -70° to 2.57 R at 100°. Above 100°, Cv is only a few hundredths cal./mole deg. higher than Cv* for pressures up to 400 atm; further increase in pressure to 1200 atm. raises Cv only a few tenths. Below 25°, Cv for p=25 is slightly less than Cv*. Below 0°, Cv at 100, 150, and 200 atm. drops far below Cv* as the temperature is lowered. A graph showing Δv(pvRT1) vs. ρ isotherms and isobars is shown, the data for which are listed in the table. This graph is very convenient for interpolating pvT data. Having given two of the three pvT coordinates, the third is quickly estimated from the graph, or is readily computed more exactly by reading the ordinate Δ and solving Δ=v(pvRT1) for the unknown desired. Values for the second virial coefficient are found. They are expressible by B=58.0319.84 T1 cc/mole between -70° and 400°.

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