Atom—Molecule Kinetics Using ESR Detection. II. Results for D+H2→HD+H and H+D2→HD+D

The wide temperature range, fast flow kinetic system with ESR atom detection described recently has been used to measure rate constants for the isotopic reactions D+H2HD+H, H+D2HD+D, over the range 250°—750°K and 300°—750°K, respectively. The precision of the data at a given temperature is about ±5%, except at the lowest temperature in each case where it is ±8%. It is believed that this also represents the accuracy. In the range 450°—750°K both sets of data are Arrhenius linear and obey (cubic centimeters mole−1·second−1) k1=4.4×1013exp(−7610/RT);  k2=4.9×1013exp(−9390/RT). Interpretation of the linear portion is made in terms of absolute rate theory with no tunneling. A potential‐energy surface constructed by fitting the experimental activation energies by the Sato method as described by Weston is in essential agreement with the latter's results for the H3 complex. The properties of the complex give pre‐exponential factors in satisfactory agreement with experiment. The experimental ratio k1/k2 in the linear region is closely predicted simply by the limiting form using the ratio of collision frequencies and the zero‐point energy difference between H2 and D2. It is shown that the data in the nonlinear region below 450°K give apparent ``tunnel corrections'' τ for the two reactions which are qualitatively of the form τ12, while all theories predict τ12.