Search for the violation of time-reversal invariance inKμ30decays

The transverse polarization of muons from the decay KL0πμ+νμ has been recently measured at Brookhaven National Laboratory. A cylindrically symmetric detector was employed with scintillation-counter hodoscopes detecting the charged decay products of the in-flight kaon decay and determining the orientation of the decay plane in the laboratory. Muons were brought to rest in an aluminum polarimeter where they precessed in 60-G magnetic field. The muon polarization was determined from the asymmetric emission of the positron in the muon decay (μ+e+νeν¯μ). With 12×106 events collected the mean values measured for the two components of transverse polarization are Pnlab=0.0017±0.0056 for the component normal to the decay plane and Ptlab=0.417±0.063 for the component in the decay plane. For Imξ, where ξ is the ratio of form factors describing Kμ3 decay, we have deduced a value of 0.009±0.030 which is not significantly different from the value 0.008, expected if time-reversal invariance is valid. We deduce that the average value of the ratio of the normal to transverse components of muon polarization in the kaon rest frame is given by PnPtc.m.=0.005±0.015.