The use of the attenuation of light by particulate matter for the estimate of phytoplankton chlorophyll with reference to the Coastal Zone Color Scanner

Chlorophyll concentration in ocean waters can be estimated by using the difference between light attenuated by particulate matter at 450 nm and 530 nm. The maximum error (the worst estimate) was .apprx. 100%; at the 95% confidence level the error was .apprx. 15%. The errors in the chlorophyll algorithm concern the diversity of accesssory pigmentation, light attenuation by substances other than algae and the determination of extracted chlorophyll. Evidently, the maximum precision that can be obtained when measuring chlorophyll is attained by the coastal zone color scanner algorithm. [Skeletonema costatum, Dunaliella tertiolecta, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Monochrysis-galbana, Micromonas sp. and Cryptomonas sp. were used.].