Vorübergehende pH-Änderungen im umgebenden Medium intakter grüner Zellen bei Beleuchtungswechsel

When light is switched on or off the pH of the medium of green cells of a large number of various plant species investigated (Elodea, Zea mays, Amaranthus caudatus, Oenothera hookeri x albicans, Mnium undulatum, Scenedesmus obliquus) increases or decreases respectively. This effect is linked with the non-cyclic photosynthetic electron flow: 1. the effect is independent of the gross ion content of the external medium, 2. green plant cells deficient in photosystem II do not show the effect, 3. addition of 2 · 10-6 M DCMU to the medium has a similar effect as switching off the light. The pH-effect is inhibited by FCCP, it is abolished in N2, but a normal effect is observed in CO2-free air. The transient changes of H-net flux upon change of illumination are discussed in relation to both the proton pump of the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts and to CO2 fixation after the uptake of HCO3 from the external solution coupled with the release of OH ions. The results are also compared to other signals of similar kinetics observed in experiments with intact plant cells, especially with light-triggered transients of membrane potential and ATP-level.