Repair of interstrand cross-links in DNA of Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires two systems for DNA repair: The RAD3 system and the RAD51 system

We have studied the role of the excision-repair system and the recombination-repair system in the removal of cross-links and monoadducts caused by furocoumarins plus 360 nm radiation in yeast DNA by neutral and alkaline sucrose gradients and by a fluorometric procedure which detects cross-linked DNA molecules. We found that the excision-repair system, represented by the rad3 mutations, is required both for the removal of monoadducts, causing single-strand break formation, and for the removal of cross-links, causing double-strand break formation. The recombination-repair system, represented by the rad51 mutation, is necessary for double-strand break repair following cross-link removal, but it has no role in the repair of monoadducts. It can be concluded that at least some of the same enzymes are used in yeast for both the excision of pyrimidine dimers and the excision of cross-links or monoadducts caused by furocoumarins plus light. The RAD3 and RAD51 repair systems, which act independently in the repair of UV-induced lesions, are part of a single system for the repair of cross-links.