Magnetic Susceptibilities of Some Rare-Earth-Zinc (RZn2) Intermetallic Compounds

Data on the paramagnetic susceptibilities of the rare‐earth‐zinc intermetallic compounds, NdZn2, SmZn2, GdZn2, TbZn2, HoZn2, and YbZn2, in the 77° to 300° K region, are presented. The susceptibility obeys the Curie—Weiss law for all the compounds except YbZn2. YbZn2 has a susceptibility which is negative at room temperature but positive at lower temperatures. The data obtained from the paramagnetic region for the other compounds, except GdZn2, yield effective magnetic moments in agreement with the theoretical moments for the corresponding free tripositive ions. The reason for the anomalous value for GdZn2 is not understood.