Temperature stability of bubble domain wall states

It is well known that bubbles with revolution numbers S=1 and S=0 can exist in a capped garnet film. The stability of these two types of bubbles is considered to be a very important problem, especially when they are used for binary coding of bubble lattice devices. This paper describes the temperature stability of these two types of bubbles. The sample used was (YGdYb)3(FeGa)5 O12 with a bubble diameter of 3 μm. An S=1 bubble was stable up to about 100°C, although the deflection angle ϑ increased linearly from 40° at room temperature to 70° at 100°C. An S=0 bubble was generated by applying an in‐plane magnetic field Hp=100 Oe and after reducing Hp to a certain value, temperature dependences of the deflection angle ϑ and the bubble velocity V were measured at a constant drive field ∇Hz=3.5×103 Oe/cm. When Hp=40 Oe, ϑ remained 0° up to 80°C, indicating that the S=0 state was stable up to 80°C. When Hp=20 Oe, on the other hand, ϑ changed discretely from 0° to 27° at about 55°C, thereafter increasing with temperature until it reached 40° at 80°C. The S value of this wall state was calculated to be 0.25. A similar variation was observed when Hp=30 Oe. These S values smaller than 1 can be explained by assuming the thermal creation of one Bloch point in one of the two vertical Bloch lines in the domain wall.