Tetracycline (Achromycin)-Neomycin for Preoperative Colon Preparation

In the course of a systematic study of the various agents available for preoperative preparation of the large bowel,* one agent has given such superior results that we feel justified in reporting it separately at this time. The combination of tetracycline hydrochloride (Achromycin)-neomycin and the usual mechanical aids to bowel cleansing has come closer to true sterilization of the feces than does any other agent or combination of agents tested. The absence of the disturbing gastrointestinal reactions that so frequently accompany the broad-spectrum antibiotics when given in dosage which is adequate for bowel sterilization was an additional advantage. The outgrowth of yeasts, frequently blamed for many of the disturbing side-effects, does not reach significant proportions until the last day of preparation and therefore should not cause trouble. The return of the usual fecal flora, with its attendant decrease in yeast count, has been another point in favor of this method