Tolerance induction of allo-class I H-2 antigen-reactive Lyt-2+ helper T cells and prolonged survival of the corresponding class I H-2-disparate skin graft.

C57BL/6 (B6) mice were i.v. presensitized with class I H-2-disparate B6-C-H-2bm1 (bm1) spleen cells. Such presensitization resulted in almost complete abrogation of bm1-specific Lyt-2+ T cell-mediated proliferative and IL-2-producing capacities as measured by MLC of lymphoid cells from presensitized B6 mice with stimulating bm1 cells. In contrast, comparable magnitude of CTL responses was generated in bulk cultures from presensitized B6 lymphoid cells to that obtained in unpresensitized B6 responding cultures. These differential influences of Lyt-2+ T cell functions were also demonstrated by limiting dilution assays; frequencies of proliferative and IL-2-producing T cell precursors were as low as undetectable in presensitized B6 lymphoid cells, whereas an appreciable frequency of CTL precursors in a portion of the same lymphoid cells was observed. When bm1 skin grafting was performed in B6 mice i.v. presensitized with bm1 cells, the strikingly prolonged survival of bm1 skin grafts was observed. It was also demonstrated that the bm1 skin graft-bearing B6 mice which had been presensitized with bm1 cells not only exhibited a continuing suppressive state of bm1-specific helper (proliferative and IL-2-producing) function but also failed to generate anti-bm1 CTL responses. These results indicate that 1) i.v. presensitization with class I H-2 alloantigens results in selective tolerance of Lyt-2+ Th cells which is adequate for inducing prolonged graft survival, 2) the induction of complete abrogation of CTL potential is not absolute requirement for the prolongation of graft survival, and 3) residual CTL potential is attenuated after grafting so far as Th cells are rendered tolerant.

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