Severe abdominal pain is a symptom which is never taken lightly by a careful physician. It often indicates a severe illness; in fact, often indicates an emergency. However, abdominal pain which may simulate in some respects the pain caused by serious abdominal disease is occasionally the result of hypersensitiveness to a food. It has been known for a number of years that hypersensitiveness to foods may give rise to bronchial asthma and a condition which simulates hay fever; to urticaria, angioneurotic edema, purpura, eczema and other dermatoses; to dyspepsia, gastro-intestinal upsets associated with vomiting, diarrhea, gripping pains in the abdomen and mucous colitis; to an interesting syndrome of symptoms known as Henoch's purpura, and that with the latter conditions a patient may have severe abdominal pain. Abdominal pain occasionally occurs alone, however, or rather, it is occasionally the sole striking symptom of hypersensitiveness to a food. In this case, the