(1) We review the experimental status of identifiable centrifugal-barrier effects in: (i) shapes of resonances, (ii) accounting for deviations in SU(2) and SU(3) predictions for ratios between partial decay widths, and (iii) accounting for the dependence on spin of the elastic widths of resonances lying on the same Regge trajectory. (2) We present a contour plot from which the "kinematic partial width" (centrifugal-barrier penetration factor times two-body phase space) of any resonance into any decay channel may be obtained immediately, given the orbital angular momentum, semiclassical impact parameter, and an assumed strong-interaction radius. Using this technique we display, as an example, the kinematically preferred decays of the high-spin mesons on the leading meson trajectory (assumed linear). (3) We obtain an approximate lower bound on the strong-interaction radius on the basis of general considerations. (4) We show that, for high-spin resonances, it can be expected that the mass enhancements in different decay channels associated with these resonances may be shifted by a half-width or so with respect to each other, because of different centrifugal-barrier effects in the different channels. (5) We also show that production cross sections of high-spin particles on leading linear trajectories by either formation or peripheral processes will be substantially suppressed by centrifugal-barrier effects. (6) Finally, we observe that the production cross sections and decay widths of mesons on the leading trajectory of the Veneziano model can be understood almost entirely on the basis of kinematical considerations if the radius of the region in which the decay particles interact strongly grows linearly with the mass of the decaying resonance.