Cutaneous leishmaniasis, popularly known as oriental sore, oriental boil, Delhi boil, bouton d'orient, Aleppo boil, Bagdad boil, Bagdad sore, salek, espundia, uta and chicler ulcer, is endemic in China, India, the Near East, the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea and South America, but not a single case of endogenous leishmaniasis has been reported as yet from the United States and Canada. However, up to the present time a total of 28 exogenous cases have been reported in these regions (Dwork,1 Strong,2 Wenyon,3 Wright4). The 2 additional cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis contracted by returning American soldiers which are reported in his paper might presumably be the forerunners of a more serious influx as a consequence of returning military personnel and increased traffic from the regions mentioned. The diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis usually is based on the clinical appearance of the sore and on the demonstration of Leishman-Donovan