Thoracic paravertebral analgesia

Thoracic paravertebral nerve blockade, although once widely practised, has now only a few centres which contribute to the literature. Data production has, however, continued and this review correlates this new information with existing knowledge. Its history, taxonomy, anatomy, indications, techniques, mechanisms of analgesia, efficacy, contraindications, toxicity, side effects and complications are reviewed. Thoracic paravertebral analgesia is advocated for surgical procedures of the thorax and abdomen, especially wherever the afferent input is predominantly unilateral eg. thoracotomy, cholecystectomy and nephrectomy. It is also of benefit in the prevention and management of chronic pain. It is a simple undertaking with impressive efficacy. Plasma local anaesthetic levels are acceptable and its side effect and complication rates are low. No mortality has been reported. For unilateral surgery of the chest or truck, thoracic paravertebral analgesia should be considered as the afferent block of choice. For bilateral surgery, its efficacy may be limited by the doses of local anaesthetic which could safely be used and further study in this area in particular is required. This form of afferent blockade deserves greater consideration and investigation.