Dynamical critical phenomena in ND4Br

The dynamical critical phenomena associated with the structural phase transition of ND4 Br (Tc=215 °K) have been studied by neutron-scattering techniques. The measurements of the low-energy part of neutron spectra of ND4Br single crystals have been carried out along the principal symmetry directions of cubic reciprocal space. The spectra observed along the [110] direction show a "triple-peak" structure. The central (quasielastic) component is clearly due to the coupled relaxational motion of displacement of Br ions and the flipping of ND4+ ions. The width Γ (full width at half-maximum) of the central component is less than the instrumental resolution (Γcent0.28 meV). In addition to the central component, there exists a well-defined TA2 phonon mode at the [110] zone boundary whose eigenvector exactly corresponds to the spontaneous displacement of Br ions in the low-temperature phase. However, this phonon mode does not show any appreciable softening nor broadening throughout the temperature region of 220<T<295 °K. Rather the intensity of the central component at the M point critically increases. These experimental results are analyzed by looking upon the system as a pseudospin-phonon coupled system. It is shown that the observed neutron spectra S(K,ω) are satisfactorily explained with such a formalism by taking the relaxation time of the flipping of an independent ammonium ion longer than 1.3 × 1012 sec. The distribution of intensity of the central peak shows two maxima in the reciprocal space, one at the Γ point (zone center) and another at the M point ([110] zone boundary). This gives direct evidence for the existence of the two competitive interactions: direct interaction between ammonium ions and indirect interaction via phonon modes. This competition is postulated to explain the two successive phase transitions which occur in ND4Br.

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