Cataracts Produced by Dinitrophenol

The first report of a cataract developing in man after the ingestion of dinitrophenol was in 1935.1 Six years later Horner2 collected from the literature 177 cases. The cataracts occurred approximately 15 months after the drug was received.3 Horner,4 in 1942, stated, "all attempts to produce experimental cataracts in laboratory animals by various and repeated doses of dinitrophenol have been unsuccessful." Bellows,5 in 1944, also commented on the fact that ordinary laboratory animals do not develop cataracts when dinitrophenol is given. Krause6 attributed this failure to a difference in the metabolism of the species. Robbins,7,8 in 1944, experimentally induced cataracts for the first time in ducklings and chickens by the oral administration of dinitrophenol. He observed a fine gray opacity that progressed to involve most of the anterior portion of the lens. Upon continued feeding the changes in the anterior portion of the