Scrap Tire Disposal

Our overall objective in presenting this review is to call attention to the very complicated nature of the entire disposal problem. The whole field of scrap-tire disposal is full of alternatives, compromises, legislation, and conflicting reports on technological success. We will present a brief historical section explaining why the disposal of scrap-tires is now a problem (challenge) and the events that lead to it. Statistics on the annual volume of scrap-rubber generated and the volume disposed of by major processes will be reviewed. Existing and proposed legislation will be presented, and the probable impact on the rubber industry discussed. We will state what we believe to be the characteristics of an ideal solution. The technical aspects of scrap-tire disposal will not be neglected. The physical, thermal, and chemical values of a scrap-tire will be presented as a basis of defining potential uses for scrap-tires. The existing and proposed uses of scrap-tires as well as processes for disposal are extremely varied. We have decided to discuss processes for scrap-tire disposal under three general categories: physical applications, recovery of fuel value, and chemical processes. Certainly there are processes which overlap these artificial categories. We have concentrated on literature published in the last five years as a means of updating the reader. Private communications are liberally referred to in our review simply because this is the only way some information is available. We have also concentrated on large-volume uses or processes which have the potential for large volume. These uses or processes may be an immediate solution. However, we have also endeavored to record or comment on all ideas for scrap-tire disposal. Finally, we have expressed our opinion as to future trends.