The differential equation εφ¨+φ̇12αsin(2φ)=I+Σn=Anδ(ttn) describing the periodically driven damped pendulum is analyzed in the strong damping limit ε1, using first-order perturbation theory. The equation may represent the motion of a sliding charge-density wave (CDW) in ac plus dc electric fields, and the resistively shunted Josephson junction driven by dc and microwave currents. When the torque I exceeds a critical value the pendulum rotates with a frequency ω. For infinite damping, or zero mass (ε=0), the equation can be transformed to the Schrödinger equation of the Kronig-Penney model. When An is random the pendulum exhibits chaotic motion. In the regular case An=A the frequency ω is a smooth function of the parameters, so there are no phase-locked subharmonic plateaus in the ω(I) curve, or the IV characteristics for the CDW or Josephson-junction systems. For small nonzero ε the return map expressing the phase φ(tn+1) as a function of the phase φ(tn) is a one-dimensional circle map. Applying known analytical results for the circle map one finds narrow subharmonic plateaus at all rational frequencies, in agreement with experiments on CDW systems.