Radiative Corrections to Decays with a Dalitz Pair

The radiative corrections to the process ABγBe+e (where A and B are hadrons) can be separated into a part which is purely dependent upon quantum electrodynamics (the one-photon-exchange diagrams) and a part dependent upon the hadronic structure (the two-photon-exchange diagrams). Neglecting the latter because such graphs are not singular when the lepton mass is set equal to zero, we concentrate on the one-photon-exchange terms, and calculate both the radiative corrections to the total decay rate including hard photons and the radiative corrections to the differential decay rate in the soft-photon approximation. Our results are directly applicable to the decay π0e+eγ, where our assumption that the two-photon-exchange graphs can be neglected is justified because π0 3γ and the amplitude for π02γe+eγ is proportional to the lepton mass.