The fibers of drum and trunk muscles of the Tigerfish, Therapon jarbua, differ greatly in diameter. The myofibrils of the trunk muscles are irregularly oriented, while those of the drum muscles are rolled into spiral or concentric bands. Both muscle types possess the sarcomere structure typical of cross-striated musculature. However, the myofibrils of the drum muscles differ greatly in sarcomere length and width from those in the trunk musculature. The trunk muscles contain few mitochondria, whereas in the drum muscles mitochondria are abundant. The sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of the drum muscles takes the form of elongated tubes in both the A and the I region; that of the trunk musculature consists of small vesicles. Of the two muscle types, the drum muscle contains more SR. With respect to the form of the T system, the trunk musculature is of the Z type and the drum muscles of the A-I type. The drum muscle displays a considerably greater number of motor endplates; these lack typical junctional folds and have mitochondria with very few cristae. No fat could be demonstrated in either the drum or the trunk muscles. However, the concentration of glycogen is higher in the drum muscle than in the musculature of the trunk.