The treatment of patients with neuroblastoma does not lie solely in the province of a single specialty; it requires cooperation of pediatrician, surgeon, radiologist and tumor therapist. It is essential that they all be aware of the unique characteristics of this particular tumor if optimum results are to be obtained. The many factors found to influence the prognosis for a child with neuroblastoma are discussed. In those cases wherein there are no demonstrable metastases, the treatment of choice consists of total excision, followed by local x-ray irradiation; this has resulted in a cure rate of 88%. In those cases wherein total excision is not possible, partial surgical removal followed by x-ray irradiation and tumor chemotherapy has given a cure rate of 64%. In those cases where only biopsy has been performed, x-ray irradiation and chemotherapy has still given a salvage, with a cure rate of 38%. When there are metastases to the liver alone, about two-thirds of babies can be cured by x-ray therapy. Whenever bony metastases have appeared in any case, the prognosis is extremely poor, and it is rare for such an individual to survive, regardless of the form of therapy. An aggressive attack on neuroblastoma in infancy and childhood, combining sungeny, x-ray irradiation and tumor chemotherapy, has shown a progressive improvement in results. During the period 1950-1957, cure rates have risen to 36.7% for all patients entering the hospital, regardless of age of the patient on extent of the neoplasm. For babies under a year of age, cures have occurred in 56%, and if there were no demonstrable metastases to bone at the time of hospitalization, the cures have been 70%.