Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells form polarized, multicellular epithelial structures in vitro. Low-level expression of pp60v-src in MDCK cells elicits plasticity in these multicellular structures. Plasticity was revealed by the displacement of cells from mechanically stressed regions of the epithelial monolayers; however, the two-dimensional relationship between the cells in the remainder of the monolayer was maintained. Electron microscopy of multicellular structures revealed abnormal separation of the lateral membranes of adjacent cells and selective uncoupling of the junctional complex; the zonula adherens was disrupted, but the zonula occludens and desmosomes were retained. Significantly, this result was not accompanied by transformation of the cells, as judged by the absence of anchorage-independent growth potential. These results demonstrate a nonmitogenic biological activity of pp60v-src which is experimentally dissociable from transformation. This morphoregulatory action on higher-order epithelial structures may reflect a function of related cellular tyrosine kinases.