Self concept and defensive behavior in the maladjusted.

A self-rating 32360-32372 HUMAN BIOLOGY [Vol. 33] 2646 inventory (SAI) consisting of 54 statements of need-satisfaction patterns was administered to 47 normals, 37 neurotics (the "anxious" group), and 36 schizophrenics (group with defensive patterns). The inventory yielded self, ideal, and other scores for each subject. Self refers to the subject''s perception of how the activity described is like him, ideal, how he would like to be, and other, how it is like other people. Among the findings were the following: "The neurotic group gave significantly poorer self-appraisals than the other two groups. The normals and schizophrenics gave practically similar selfappraisals," and "on the ideal, the neurotic was not significantly different from the normals, but the schizophrenics set their level significantly lower than that of the normals.".