Unilateral left paramedian infarction of thalamus and midbrain: a clinico-pathological study.

In a patient with a unilateral embolic infarct in the left posterior thalamo-subthalamic paramedian artery territory, neuropathological studies showed involvement of the intralaminar, dorsomedial, and internal part of the ventral posterior nuclei of the thalamus, of the rostral part of the mesencephalic reticular formation, and of the posterior commissure. The patient showed upgaze palsy for voluntary saccades, smooth pursuit and vestibulo-ocular movements, sustained downgraze, right-sided motor hemineglect and facio-brachial hypaesthesia, motor transcortical aphasia and anterograde amnesia. This case confirms that unilateral destruction of the posterior commissure, rostral interstitial nucleus of the MLF and interstitial nucleus of Cajal produces a non-dissociated upgaze palsy. Involvement of the nucleus of Cajal probably produced the sustained downward deviation of the eye, by causing predominance of downward vestibulo-ocular inputs. This case also shows that thalamic aphasia and anterograde amnesia may be related to a paramedian lesion of the thalamus, with special reference to involvement of the dorsomedial nucleus, in the absence of lesion of the pulvinar and mamillo-thalamic tract and of conspicuous involvement of the ventral lateral nucleus. Selective hemineglect for motor tasks may occur in infarction of the dominant thalamus, involving the intralaminar nuclei.