Measurements of the index of refraction of the copper Kβ line by a diamond prism have been made with an estimated accuracy of one part in 10,000. These measurements together with the quantum theory of dispersion and the ruled grating wave-length of the copper Kβ line afford a method of evaluating em with an accuracy comparable to that of previous determinations by other methods. The value of em is given by the equation em=δλ2ρF2πWΣ1sNs{1+A}1, where δ, λ, ρ, R, Ns and W have their usual meaning and A is the factor which takes into account the electronic binding. For carbon and a λ2.75 law of absorption, the value of the Σ1s=6.0163±0.0006. Using δ=9224.4×109, W=12.0148, ρ=3.5154, F=96513.1, λ=1.39220A, one obtains em=(1.7601±0.0003)×107 e.m.u. This bound electron value is higher than most previous spectroscopic determinations but is in excellent agreement with the free electron results of Dunnington.

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